Bí URBAN maintains a collection of honey sourced from a wide range of Irish landscapes. Honeybees are environmental stewards of their domain. They provide essential pollination services as they forage for nectar and pollen within a 2.5km radius from their hive. For this reason honey is intimately linked to the characteristics of its locality and the beneficial properties of the plants growing therein. We use honey tasting to introduce participants to the lifestyle and organisational system of the native Irish honey bee, Apis Mellifera Mellifera, and our native Bumblebees and Solitary bees (99 species), the products of the hive and their medicinal properties and uses, commercial beekeeping methods and how our relationship with nature impacts on the bees, the environment and our health.
Each participant will receive one of our brochures and a SOW WILD urban rewilding project packet which they can use in conjunction with the information on our website to create new habitat for our pollinating insects.
This honey tasting workshop will be led by Kaethe Burt-O'Dea, an independent healthcare design consultant based in Dublin, Ireland. A diverse range of experience contributes to her research approach including careers in the arts, nursing, organic farming, product design, and cross-disciplinary sustainable design development. Kaethe and Sadhbh Fitzgerald are directors of desireland Ltd and Bí URBAN CLG, a nature-based social enterprise. Both entities are devoted to connecting nature, people and place to source simple solutions to complex problems.
If you are unable to register still come on by, there will be lots to see and do with opportunity for walk-ups!
National Museum of Ireland - Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks, D7