Dublin Climate Action Week 2024

Dublin Climate Action Week 2024

We are delighted to announce that the third Dublin Climate Action Week will take place from Monday 9th SeSeptember until Sunday 15th September 2024.

The programme of events is organised through a partnership of the Dublin Climate Action Regional Office (CARO), South Dublin County Council, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council, Dublin City Council and Codema - Dublin's Energy Agency. Dublin Climate Action Week will feature regional and local events covering a range of environmental topics and showcasing the latest Climate Action Plans adopted in each of the four Dublin local authorities.

Climate Action remains a priority at local and national government levels and there is a strong focus on community engagement and implementation of actions within each of the local authority Climate Action Plans 2024-2029. Important steps towards our sustainable and inclusive future are taken within our local communities and Dublin Climate Action Week seeks to showcase some of the great work taking place across Dublin City and County.

The shared objective of Dublin Climate Action Week is to demonstrate progress on the implementation of the four Dublin local authority Climate Action Plans, and a regional approach to climate action.

The Executive Manager in Dublin City Council and the Directors of Service in South Dublin, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown and Fingal County Councils responsible for Climate Action stated that "Dublin Climate Action Week is an excellent opportunity for local authorities and the communities they serve to come together and showcase the great work already underway to deliver on our climate goals and build momentum towards future actions through our Climate Action Plans 2024-2029. The diverse programme of events offers a range of ways for people to connect, learn, share and engage with initiatives and activites which seek to build a brighter future for everyone."

Getting involved with Dublin Climate Action Week 2024 is a great way to streghten connections between groups, businesses, and organisations within the community so find out what is happening in your area at www.dublinclimateactionweek.ie

Keep up to date with developemnts at the dedicated website www.dublinclimateactionweek.ie and by using the hashtag #DCAW24, with the full programme of events set to open for bookings in mid-August.


From left to right, the photo shows Paul Kennedy Director of Infrastructure and Climate Change at Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council; Teresa Walsh Director of Environment, Water and Climate Change at South Dublin County Council; Derek Kelly Executive Manager, Environment and Transportation Department at Dublin City Council; David Storey Director of Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel at Fingal County Council